Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Recipes for Children's Dreams

Recipes for Children’s Dreams

A gourmet potluck dinner buffet
Featuring specialty dishes of
Top Chefs of Metro Manila

This is a fund raising project for the realization of St. Hannibal’s Children’s  Center at 65 St. Hannibal St. Merville Park, Paranaque City,
On Friday, November 25, 2011, 6:00 PM.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Good Health: Organic Food

October 2011, repost

Folklore would not be complete without its many traditional, and oftentimes herbal medications, remedies,
and healing methods. In fact, different countries have methods and treatments that are unique. The healing power of herbs – whether culled from the people of yore or learned in a 21st century lab – has effects that cannot be denied.

Among the world’s earliest civilizations, food and medicine were inextricably linked, and many plants were eaten for their health-giving properties. For example, armies of slave workers who laboured to build the Egyptian pyramids survived on a meal which included a daily ration of garlic in order to ward off pestilence and fever.

Consider too, the dark age of Europe, into the medieval period, when herbs were painstakingly grown in monasteries. Each monastery had its own “Physics” garden, abounding in herbs that were used to treat the ailments of both the monks and the local folks who dwelled in the surrounding areas.

From indigenous local fruits and vegetables that are organically grown come combination of extracts for healing, stamina, and as body supplements. The mode of extraction follows a traditional method, like the fruit fermentation process, among others.

I. For treatment requiring the use of plants, take the following guides

1.Use only one plant medicine at a time. 2. Use only stainless or earthen cooking utensils (Aluminum reacts chemically with medicinal elements in plants. 3.Don’t cover cooking utensil when boiling (to release toxins). 4.Take decoction either hot or cold. Strain before taking it. 5. Wash thoroughly leaves, barks, flowers, roots. 6. Individual with allergic reactions to with some plants are not encouraged to use herbal medications.

II. Herbal medication for constipation

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Have a regular time to sit down on the toilet bowl. Have a regular exercise. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.

Papaya/Carica Papaya (ripe fruit). Eat one big slice every morning for breakfast.

Yellow Bell. Boil 5 leaves in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes. Drink at least 2 glasses a day.

Malunggay leaves/Horse Radish tree. Eat one cup boiled leaves with meals.

Take this caution: Remember that healing wonders of herbs are not substitutes for the doctor’s prescription. Consult a doctor if necessary.

III. Check out samples of healing herbs

Healing Herb/Plant Scientific Name

1. Sweet Basil Ocimum basilicum L.
2. Garlic Allium sativum Linn
3. Guava Psidium guajava L.
4. Betel-nut Palm Areca catechu L.
5.Betel Leaf Pepper Piper beetle L.
6. Cocoa plant Theobrama cacao L.
7.Black Plum, Java Plum Syszygium jambulanum
8.China Rose, Hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.
9.Ginger Lily Hedychium coronarium
10. Carrots Daucus carota Linn.
11. Horse Radish tree Moringa oleifera Lam.
12. Papaya Carica Papaya

/rose flores martinez
2.18.2010, for ezine

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hi Everyone,

I'm selling pickled papayas, cumcumber, singkamas...etc...


Chocolates in boxes

Packed meat:



Bicol Express etc.

This will be good for everyday meals and Christmas!

Yes, they're freshly cooked and I'm selling them at reasonable prices.  

Food will be ready 1 week after placing the order; or as stocks are available.  Thank you and a blessed day!

For orders and inquiry email  me, and we can meet.
October 2011