Fried rice is a variant in cooking rice. Rice which is the staff of life is the main ingredient in the different recipes of fried rice with eggs, meat, or shrimp with vegetables and scallions, among others.
Try this simple Fried Rice Recipes:
1. Traditional ( with Garlic)
Saute minced garlic in oil. Mix in cooked rice. Sprinkle salt. Turn, scoop, and blend the rice in the frying pan well.
Tip: Use a small amount of oil, but more garlic. Rice must be cooked and fried well, so as not to taste rice is just being heated.
2. Chinese
In a pan, sauté garlic, some meat or sausage, and rice (newly boiled rice or clean left over rice). Turn rice from time to time and blend well. Put some green peas and bits of carrots. When fried rice is almost cooked, add some salt, chopped beaten eggs, and bits of spring onions. Serve.
3. Thai
In oil, mix onions, garlic and some salty fish called "bagoong." Set aside.
Beat 2 eggs, then fry in low fire. Cut into strips. Set aside.
Get a green mango. Peel and slice in strips. Set aside.
In another pan, saute with garlic boiled rice. Mix the rice well. Add sautéed salty fish "bagoong." Again, blend well. Set aside.
In a serving plate scoop the fried rice, top it with eggs (strips) and put green mangoes on the side. Serve.
Cooking fried rice is fun. It is just frying rice in many ways and styles. It is easy cooking and with lots of variations to create. In supermarket shelves, ready packs of cooking mixes and herbs are available. You can even find the ready mixes and simply pour it to the rice in pan, and you've got a ready fried rice.
Tip: Don't make cooking, too oily. Butter and 1 teaspoon oil will do.
Rice Trivia:
Some old folks say that rice probably originated from wild species of grass that grew along the shores of lakes in Africa, India and Southeastern Asia.
There was also a legend that rice first came to China during a famine: Once, a young girl went fishing, and caught the king of frogs. The king told the girl to hold out her net to the sun while he croaked a magic song. The girl did what she was told. And slowly, golden light fell through the meshes of the net and there sprouted golden grains.
Rose Flores Martinez
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